Tuesday, January 24, 2012

This is the result of my awful sleep schedule.

Basically I'm on my A.D.D. meds and I can't sleep when I take them.
There was this 30 day challenge that I was going to attempt but honestly, I never can and I feel like writing my little heart out  SO I decided that I'd just take the questions and answer them like one of those myspace surveys but more thoughtful.


What happened today? If it was the last day of your life, how satisfied would you be with your final hours?
     I woke up at Randi's. We went apartment searching and got lunch. I got home, did some chores and got sucked into my computer. Spent HOURS organizing my computer and my tumblr.... It was actually REALLY sad. So, if today was my last day? It'd be pretty pathetic. But I will say, I'm kind of excited I remembered HTML coding. I was going to re-do this blog, but it's just not worth the energy.

Who are you? In comparison to who you used to be. What made you change?
     This question is really tough... I've been thinking about this a lot lately and it's hard to examine who I am and have an objective view of who I was... But I know I'm a lot less nieve then I used to be. I also know that I'm a lot more willing to speak my mind then I used to be. Things are weird right now, I'm not who I want to be but I'm trying to get there. There are things that I feel like I need to do that I'm not "allowed" to do, (which sounds ridiculous considering I'm damn near 20 years old) but once I can be who I want without worrying about acceptance from a certain group of people, I'll soar, I know it. 

Where have you been spending your time lately? Three/Five/Ten years ago would you have expected to be there?
     I have been spending a lot of time with family, friends, work and home trying to keep my creativity alive (not sure how well that's working). 3 years ago; I expected that I would still be in school and "finding myself" and finding new friends and a new "crowed". 5 years ago; I just expected to be out of the house and FAR, like over seas or California or something. 10 years ago; I would've thought I would have been married and traveling.  Thinking about this has made me realize how short I've fallen.... ouch.

What do you think it means to be in love?
     Wow, that's intense. I essentially think that being in love means willing to let go of everything you are in hopes that the person you are in love with will accept you for all of it. Willing to be a part of something much bigger then yourself as well as be willing to allow your significant other to hold and see a part of you that you've never been daring enough to explore. It's the scariest thing someone could do but it's the most beautiful thing this world has to offer.

Talk about a recent experience that has effected you greatly and how.
     I kind of already did this in my last post but to recap;; I had lunch with my grandfather who, unlike the rest of my family, has always made me welcome and important. He's always been proud of me and never judged me based on the shallow things the rest of my family would and he was always willing to talk to me when I needed him. At this lunch we discussed my leaving school for a while and he asked me to just think about what I'd like to do with my life and I obeyed him. That meditation that I promised him has lead me to realize what I may want to do with the rest of my life. Become a piercer. This changes everything in ways that I'm not sure I can even comprehend yet. 

Do you feel protective over someone?
   I am extremely protective over my friends in general. I am also extremely protective of people getting discriminated against for things that shouldn't matter or don't define them as a person. I only hate 3 people on this planet, and all 3 of them, I hate because they fucked over my friends. 

When you are stressed, what can you use as an outlet? Why do you think it helps?
     I make art in some fashion. I usually sing but painting comes in close second and general crafting comes after. I enjoy making something tangible or audible. Not only that, but I LOVE singing. It's the purest form of expression if not in the lyrics but the passion behind your voice.... I'm not very good, but it's my favorite. Painting out your emotions can help out too. Writing is something I don't do as much as I used to, which kind of makes me sad, but it's one of my biggest coping mechanisms. This blog is definitely apart of that.

What are you passionate about?
     As previously mentioned, singing and body modifications (of all kinds).

Is there anything you would like to change about yourself?
     There's a lot in terms of physical appearance, but in terms of personality I would make myself a little more carefree. I'd also be more decisive and willing to take more risks. I'd also prioritize better and be more productive...

What do you think it means to be a good parent?
     Be willing to give up everything to make the best for you child. Show your children what it means to be a good person and what it means to be open minded. To explain to them your beliefs and why you hold those beliefs but not push them to believe the same.  Also, support them and let them know you will always support them. No matter what it is that you want them to do, if they decide that they'd rather be an artist, a business owner, in the military or a stay at home parent, you need to be there for them and just make sure they are safe and happy.

That's it for now I guess.  Next time I'll post something of substance. 

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