Saturday, January 29, 2011

The power of please.

"How can I help you today?"

So, all the jobs I've ever had (yes, all three of them) have had to deal with customers, rude and kind alike. 
When I worked at a country club, it was expected that the ratio of rude to kind would be in favor of rude. They were expecting top quality service, and were less then pleased when they received anything less. But, who could blame them at 2,000$ a year for membership?
 That being said (typed?), there was hardly a customer that left thoroughly upset with the service, even IF their sandwich wasn't correct or the redbull was too expensive, they were understanding that it wasn't MY fault, and didn't often try to shoot the messenger, if you catch my drift. 
At the zoo, it was expected that people weren't happy about price, but as far as service goes, no one expected much. 
Now, I'm working at Sally Beauty Supply (hence why my hair hasn't been the same color at all the past week) and I was working today and 2 ladies came in and were disgusted that the three of us that were working hadn't dropped everything we were doing to assist them in picking out which coupon they want to use. When they made it blatantly clear they were upset, I tried to help them pick out a hair dryer and explaining the price differences and they asked a question I didn't know the answer to (considering it was my third day, I vote it was excusable) I explained it was my first week and I'd grab someone that could be of more assistance, they just looked at me and said entirely too loud I NEED SOMEONE TO ACTUALLY HELP ME.  Bitch, please. So they were finally helped to their content. 
Maybe a minute later, they were raising hell again, but one of the pseudo managers helped them, until they left the store loudly and discontent with the world.
Right after dealing with that fiasco, I checked out a woman who said her "pleases" and "thank you's" and smiled at me every chance she got, even complimented my hair (which looked like shit).... it made me feel SO much better, or as my beloved friend Forest would say, it made my soul smile. It's amazing what manners and a smile can do for ones attitude. 

I just want people to know that little things like that can make someones day, and change their mood- you have no idea how appreciated it is by the service workers, really.


  1. I always try to be as nice as possible to people that are trying to help me. I think it's so rude when people aren't! I mean really, this person is attempting to make you happy, you don't have to be rude to them.

  2. My sister taught me when I was younger,"just smile and say please and thanks, it'll make their day" So, I always followed that example....
