Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The arrogance of the ignorant.

Today is just one of those days.
The kind of day where you kind of hate everyone. The kind of day where if someone says something in the wrong tone or looks at you the wrong way, you just loathe them and let them know it.
Well, generally I would let the anger consume me, have my bad day, then sleep it off and be fine.
But not today.
I decided I'm going to fight this, and be happy. I know there's nothing to be angry about, so I'll MAKE myself be happy....
Bad Idea.
People's constant remarks that I can usually ignore just kept running through my head and I can't just let it go. I went to make a facebook status about it, and couldn't stop writing, that's when the idea hit me... BLOG ABOUT IT.! duh. I've been slacking anyways. So... here goes the rant.

The arrogance of the ignorant is by far, the most annoying thing I have yet to come across.
More annoying then the bottom of my pants being wet or people not understanding how turn signals work. (although both seem ridiculous they were considered my biggest pet peeves).
I started to blame my generation for this arrogance and ignorance when I realized the generations before us are far worse and the generation below, is either apathetic to everything or over emotional.
I have yet to find an age group of people that understands or is open to understanding the world, just small groups of people.
Yeah, yeah, small group of people can make the world of difference, but seriously?

*please note that I posted this in FEBRUARY*